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Living with SMA podcast

The Living with SMA Podcast invites different hosts from across the SMA Community together to discuss different topics.

They’ll talk openly and honestly about a whole range of topics, from exercise and employment to parenting and mental health. We’ll also hear from SMA experts, who will be sharing their knowledge and advice for everyone affected by SMA.

If you have ideas for a podcast or would like to participate in a podcast yourself, please email 

Listen to all episodes here >

Care & lifestyle management

Members of the SMA Community talk to healthcare professionals about various care and lifestyle management from diet and nutirion to chest physio and cough assist.


Watch here >
care and lifestyle

Treatment updates

Here we feature updates and information from healthcare professionals about treatments and options

Watch here >
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SMA UK activities

From our Resonate and Picnic in the Park videos to our end of year updates, learn more about all the activities SMA UK carry out for and with the SMA Community.

Watch here >
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