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Today I woke up with a dark cloud over my head. It’s a Friday, I have the day off work and the sun is shining. What more could I want?

I have no reason to be sad. I wish I could explain this feeling but I just can’t. For those that don’t know me, my name is Ross and I am Lifestyle & Disability blogger from Cornwall. I started my blog ‘A Life on Wheels’ back in 2017, as a way of documenting my journey through adulthood, as a young man with a physical disability (SMA Type 2).

5.Often described as a ‘cheeky chappy’, I like to keep a lot of my posts upbeat and comical… but today is a little bit different.

We’re all human, we all have bad days – sometimes all you need is a little shove in the right direction. As men, we often struggle to talk about taboo subjects such as anxiety and mental health.

Although I like to make the odd joke here or there, please know that I take this very seriously.

As much as I love social media, it can hide a million truths and you never really know what may be going on behind closed doors.

As I sit here now, I am already feeling 10x better than I did earlier on today. I’ll be honest and say YES, I have had my struggles over the years, but even writing this in itself has helped me a lot.

Today I am going to share my top 5 tips on how to improve a low mood.

1. Find a “View”

Despite feeling cut off from the rest of the world at times, living in Cornwall does have its perks. Finding a view isn’t that hard when you live no more than a 15 minute drive from the sea. If I’m ever feeling down, going for a drive and parking up somewhere with a view is top of my list.

As I type this now, I am sat in my car with my windows down and my sunglasses on – already feeling calmer and much happier than before. Something as simple as changing your environment is so powerful. I knew that if I didn’t come here today, I would end up sat in front of the TV – miserable.

We all have our favourite places. Obviously not everyone has such easy access to a beach or sea view. Find a location that helps you relax, sometimes all it takes is a bit of fresh air to lighten the mood. If you’re struggling for ideas, I recommend chilling out in the park (sounds creepy now I’ve written it down) but you know what I mean! Or a simple walk/wheel to your favourite coffee shop.

2. Switch off

I love social media so this is a hard one for me, but SO important. I get great pleasure in switching my phone onto “Do Not Disturb” mode. If you’re feeling a bit low, I highly recommend logging out for the day. Even though I may sound hypocritical sitting here at the beach with my laptop, I have no Wi-Fi and I am still completely shut off from the world. Trust me when I say it’s a good feeling.

There’s nothing worse than comparing yourself to others. I’m guilty of it myself. In today’s society we are inundated with snapshots of the “perfect lifestyle” online.

Seeing what the Kardashians had for breakfast or what expensive car your favourite footballer drives, is really not going to help.

3. Exercise /drink plenty of water

Never in a million years did I think I would be promoting exercise, but ta-dahh! I go to the gym twice a week now and it honestly plays such a key role in my overall wellbeing, both physically and mentally. If going to a gym isn’t for you, then I recommend taking some time out and getting some fresh air. A simple dog walk or relaxation session should do the trick.

I’ve also found drinking plenty of water really effective when in a low mood. I know I don’t drink enough as I should, so it’s definitely something I’m working on.

4. Music

As most of you already know, music is one of my biggest passions in life. It’s also a real game-changer if you’re having a bad day. If selected carefully, certain songs can instantly improve your mood.

For days like today, I suggest keeping things upbeat. Maybe not an Adele playlist… It’s no secret that I love her, but we’re trying to improve our mood, ok.

5. Make plans  and communicate

Talk! It really is that simple. Whether it’s with your friends, family or an online community – making contact with someone you love / trust may have a bigger impact than you think.

I’ve since made plans to go out with a couple of mates this evening and it has already lifted my spirits. As much as you may not feel like going out right now, it’ll be worth it in the end.

So there you have it, my top 5 tips on how to improve a low mood. Sometimes just a few simple changes can have a huge effect. When I woke up this morning I had no intention of writing a post like this.

We all put on a brave face every now again but at the end of the day, life’s too short to be sad. I’d love to hear some of your comments on this topic, or if there’s anything in particular that works best for you.

If you’re reading this after having a bad day yourself, then I hope it has helped – as these little tips definitely work for me.

My inbox is always open if you need to chat. If you enjoyed this post and would like to see what else I get up to, you can subscribe to my blog for free at:

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First published: 20th June 2019