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Image shows an adult man, who has SMA, sitting in his wheelchair on a bus, giving a thumbs up.Ross, an adult who has SMA Type 3, was recently contacted by Transport for Cornwall to be involved in their #BucketLoadsByBus campaign to see what their facilities were like.

He’s written a review of his experiences on his blog – "A Life on Wheels":

"Public transport is one of those topics I have avoided for a very long time, as I know it can have a bad reputation in terms of accessibility.

Whilst I may not have the most experience when it comes to using the bus every day, I was keen to explore what travel options were available for wheelchair users, when enjoying a local day out in Cornwall…

I’m aware that when it comes to public transport, everyone’s experience is different, depending on your location / abilities. All I can do [in this blog] is share my personal experience and recommendations for improvement.

After my trip, I definitely feel more comfortable to use the bus as an accessible option should I need it in the future."

Read the blog in full >