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Image shows an adult woman, who has SMA, sitting in her wheelchair. She is holding the paw of her black goldendoodle dog.I have wanted a dog since I can remember; after years of my sister and I nagging my dad, he finally caved in and we got Dylan, a black goldendoodle. He is a true family dog who puts a smile on everyone’s face. Although he is now far too big to be a lap dog, he still has his ways of getting a cuddle and a biscuit – his favourite way is jumping up with his front paws on my tray.

A few years after getting Dylan, we were offered to re-home a chihuahua – my dream dog (Legally Blonde has always been my favourite film). After some family discussions it was agreed that we would have her on a week’s trial to see if she got along with Dylan. Most people have this impression of chihuahuas as being snappy and yappy, but they are actually the most loving little things (when they like you!).

Buttercup arrived and I instantly knew she was staying; I don’t know how, but it was like she knew she was mine, riding around on my footplates, sitting on my knee, and even trying to get hoisted up in my sling with me.

Image shows a young adult woman lying down next to her dog, a chihuahua.However, it is not just in the happy times that the love a dog brings is cherished, but also in not so happy times. Whenever I am ill, neither of them will leave my side, curling up with me on the sofa, wanting to make sure I am okay. They give unconditional love and companionship, and I would never want to be without them. I always joke that when I come home from university, I am most excited to see the dogs, I can’t lie, it is a joke with truth behind it!

First published: August 2019