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Gifts left to us in Wills allows us to continue to support more people living with SMA into the future. In 2022/23 our Outreach Team were able to help 207 families and adults affected by SMA through our support line and the WhatsApp networks by providing personalised practical and emotional support for all those affected by and living with SMA.

From access to care and drug treatments to opportunities to have contact with others affected by the condition, we support families and individuals to access funding for specialist equipment and wheelchairs as well as supporting travel to appointments and overnight stays.


This week is a Remember a Charity Week – an opportunity to take a moment to consider leaving a gift to charity in your Will, so we have put together five reasons why you might like to consider leaving a Legacy to SMA UK.

1. To Feel Happy
Those who leave a gift in their Will to a cause they love report a huge amount of satisfaction.  It can be a great comfort and joy to know that you will help future generations.

2. To Remember a Loved One
Many people will dedicate their gift to the memory of a special person or persons who was associated with the cause.

3. To Continue supporting your favourite charity
If you have supported a charity for many years with regular donations then leaving a Legacy can ensure that you will continue to have a positive impact for many years.

4. Reduce Inheritance Tax
A gift to charity is free from inheritance tax and if you leave more than 10% of your estate to charity then the rate of inheritance tax you pay reduces from 40% to 36%.

5. Make a Big Impact
A gift of any amount really will make a huge impact to a charity like SMA UK and we would be incredibly grateful to have your support.


Find out more about leaving a Gift in your Will to SMA UK at