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Last updated: May 2024

Contact Social Services well in advance if you will need a care package to be able to attend University. If you have an Education Health and Care Package (EHCP) this will give helpful information about your needs. If you will need a live -in carer, the package should cover this cost. The University will not fund it.

“Focus on making a decision about where you want to go as early as possible. Make a list of what you are going to need. Don’t wait for them to tell you what you need. It is not unusual for some young people to get their University place put back a year because their care package isn’t sorted in time.”

If you are going to be moving away from home, ask Social Services how your Personal Assistants will be recruited.

Ask Jules  has a lot of experience with setting up care packages for University students.

The Snowdon Trust  charity helps student in higher education meet any higher costs that they should not have to try and meet themselves.

“If you start getting offers that are conditional on grades, don’t be scared to contact the Uni and ask if you could have an unconditional offer. Explain that it is going to be very complicated and take time for you to get your funding and care package sorted and it is unrealistic to try to do this if you only know where you are going in August and start a month or so later.”