Children (0-12 years) Nursery & School

Children (0-12 years) Nursery & School
Last updated : May 2024
Many, but not all children who have SMA, need additional support to access learning opportunities. This may be help communicating with other children, support with physical or personal care, getting around or getting to the toilet. These needs are described differently across the UK:
- England & Northern Ireland – Special Education Needs (SEN) or sometimes Special Education Needs & Disabilities (SEND).
- Scotland – Additional Support Needs (ANS)
- Wales – Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
Turn2Us – August 2024 – suggest how to get help with back to school costs
Early years options can include childminders, day nurseries, pre-schools, holiday playschemes, childcare in your own home and, in some areas, Portage services.
These pages take you through some of the questions we are asked by families. We also have a pack we can send you which may help you as you start to explore options for your child. The pack includes:
- information about the education support system
- a summary about SMA for schools
- templates to help you describe your child and the support they will need
- tips and ideas from parents / carers.
These pages take you through some of the questions we are asked by families. We also have a pack we can send you which may help you as you start to explore options for your child. The pack includes:
- information about the education support system
- a summary about SMA for schools
- templates to help you describe your child and the support they will need
- tips and ideas from parents / carers.
It is a good idea to look early on into what help you can get:
England: free school transport
Scotland: Mygov/free school transport
Wales: Gov.Wales/help school transport
Northern Ireland: nidirect / home school transport
Your school will have carefully thought through settling in plans for all children. You should have had the opportunity to talk through any additional plans your child will need with your child’s teacher, specialist advisors and any Teaching Assistant(s) (TAs) who will be providing support. For example:
- daily routines for toilet
- break and lunch-times
- support with lessons and activities
- safely getting into school from the vehicle at the beginning and end of the day
- who and how to contact if you have questions.
If your child uses equipment for their mobility or other health needs, other children may be curious. You may want to talk to the class teacher and any adviser in advance about how your child and you would like to manage this. You might find it helpful for someone to talk to the class about your child’s SMA and how they might be able to help. For example, by holding doors open and not pushing against each other.
The Resources for Parents tab below may have some useful links.
With support and imagination your child’s teacher should be able to make these important parts of school life inclusive. Taking part in physical activity at playtime is often where friendships are formed and reinforced. Being included helps to raise self-esteem and confidence. Talk to your child’s teacher and any specialist staff about how any plans forincluding your child are progressing and check in with your child to see what they think:
- How was playtime today?
- Who did you play with today?
Your child’s physio might be able to suggest appropriate PE activities for your child.
Activity Alliance / Inclusive PE Activity Cards – provide education staff with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to plan and deliver inclusive and accessible PE sessions.
MDUK has a page about support with education and Education Guidelines (pdf booklet) published in September 2016, but still useful:
- Chapter 11 Page 93 explores options for PE.
- Chapter 12 Page 105 explores options for Playtime.
As long as there is good planning your child should be included in all school trips. You may find some tips and ideas from parents/carers will help with this
All children who have SMA will have medical appointments they need to attend. For many they will be frequent. Many will also have planned and unplanned hospital admissions. It is important you keep your child’s school as up to date as possible about any of these.
Unfortunately, children with health conditions are sometimes more at risk of being bullied than their peers, so it can be useful to be aware of the support available.
If at any time you think your child is being bullied, encourage them to talk to their teacher as well as talking to the teacher yourself. Schools are required to have a whole-school approach to dealing with bullying and should respond immediately to any approach you make.
- Contact / Dealing with Bullying – provides written advice
- NSPCC / Keeping Children Safe Online – has a range of resources for parents, children and children with SEND plus other information
- NSPCC / Talking Child – Online Safety also provides lot of useful information
These organisations provide support and information:
- Family Lives – 0808 800 2222
- ChildLine – 0800 1111
- Kidscape
Grace (mum of Sonny who lives with SMA) and our host Ross Lannon (an adult who has SMA) share their insights and experiences on the social, emotional, and academic aspects of transitioning to secondary school in this Living with SMA podcast:
Recorded: June 2023
Moving from Primary to Secondary School is a big event and change for any child, but if you have a child who has SMA, the transition can be even more of a challenge as there is even more to think about.
‘Start early’ is probably the best advice. Talk to your child’s teacher and the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) or equivalent as they will have a good idea of what schools in the area can offer.
Most schools will have open days you can attend the year before your child needs to apply for a place, so you should be able to get the answers to some key questions. If you think your child may become anxious or unsettled, you can do this initial work without them:
- Which schools are possible?
- Do any of them specialise e.g. in arts or sciences
- How would that fit with your child’s interests?
- Revisit the questions you had when you chose a primary school – see:
Getting Ready for School – England
Getting Ready for School – Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales
You will then be in a good position to look at a shortlist with your child and have time to make visits, have discussions, make your application and have confirmation of a place. This will give your child’s current and new school time to plan a smooth transition.
Explaining SMA
Information About SMA – may be useful when talking to schools.
Talking to Children about SMA – may be a useful section to look at.
SMA UK Publications – Smasheroo is for younger children. We also have two other books from 2016 for children ages 8 – 12 years. These were written before treatments started to be funded by the NHS, but are otherwise still factually correct. Contact for copies. We will be publishing a new book for children in 2025.
Organisations and Publications Offering Information, Support and Advice:
ACE Education – Phone: 0300 0115 142 – Advice and information on education issues for children aged 5-16 years old in state education in England.
Contact – Phone: 0808 808 3555 – information and support to families who have a disabled child.
Council for Disabled Children – Phone: 0207 843 1900 – work to influence Government policy and local agencies to put policies into practice, and provide guidance to parents and carers on issues that affect disabled children, including what educational support is available.
Independent Panel for Special Education Advice (IPSEA) – free legally based advice to families who have children with special educational needs, including information and advice on the educational support available.
Contact / Parent Carer Forums – groups run by parents and carers of disabled children from a local area in England. Their aim is to make sure that services in their area meet the needs of disabled children and their families.
SENDIASS – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS): a free, impartial and confidential independent from local councils. For:
- parents or carers of a child or young person with SEN and / or a disability
- young people up to the age of 25 with SEN and / or a disability.
For your local service, visit this page.
SOSSEN – Phone 0208 538 3731 or 0300 302 3717 – independent helpline for special educational needs as well as providing tips and information sheets for parents.
Gov.UK / Special educational needs and disability: A guide for parents and Carers
Activity Alliance – provide inclusive PE training and resources for educational staff and others across the UK
Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE) – information for schools on inclusive education.
SEND Gateway – an online portal offering educational professionals free, easy access to information, resources and training for meeting the needs of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).