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Karen, a postgraduate research student at Anglia Ruskin University, has a physical disability which has inspired her to study happiness in people with disabilities, through analysing the attitudes, behaviours, opportunities, and resources that are required to facilitate happiness outcomes in disabled populations. Through her research, she is looking to provide a positive/strength-based perspective of disability in psychology, based on anecdotes from disabled people about barriers and enablers to thriving in their lives.

She is therefore looking for volunteers to take part in a study that aims to understand the perspective of physically or sensory impaired adults, on the subject of living a ‘Good Life’. The study will explore:

  1. What the ‘Good Life’ is with a physical / sensory impairment
  2. And what are the barriers and enables to living a ‘Good life’ with a physical / sensory impairment.

She is looking to speak to physically and / or sensory impaired adults (age 18+) who are living in the UK, do not have an intellectual impairment, and who understand written and / or spoken English.

The study will be one interview between the participant and Karen, over Microsoft Teams, lasting between 60 and 90 minutes. All participants will be given a £15 Amazon voucher as a thank you for taking part.

Further information: click here

To find out more, or sign up to take part, please email: Karen Mutsatsa:

Closing date to take part: November 2023