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Due to the war in the Ukraine, in 2022 Anna, who has SMA Type 2, came to the UK with her husband and parents.

In her haste to leave, she arrived with few belongings and just her manual chair, which meant she needed full help to mobilise.

The Support and Outreach Team at SMA UK has been supporting Anna with advice and emotional support since she arrived in the UK. Anna was in desperate need of a powerchair to regain her independence and comfort, however, due to unsettlement in her housing situation and temporary ramping, there was an obstruction with NHS provision.

The Outreach team contacted The Recycle Mobility Centre, who offer refurbished and new mobility equipment. They were able to offer Anna an ideal second-hand powered wheelchair with the tilt and recline functions that she needs. The chair required some adjustments to suit Anna’s needs, but the team at Baldertech were able to adjust the hand control so that Anna can regulate all the functions with just the joystick.

Anna now has her independence back and can move around in comfort for the first time in a year, improving both her physical and emotional wellbeing!

She says:

“Receiving this powered wheelchair has literally changed my life. I have the freedom to move and can finally explore the country. It’s fantastic. Thank you so much from all of my family!”

Anna with Jason Nicoll from the Baldertech Team who supported Anna by adapting her hand controls. > > 

First published in SMA Matters Autumn 2023 edition