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Image shows three young girls who all have SMA.

Meet Hattie, Esmé and Lily!

During SMA Awareness Month 2022, the families of Hattie, Esmé and Lily shared quotes and photos of each of them:

Ezra Thorman, Type 1, 4 yrs (8)

Ezra’s story

Ezra is six and has SMA Type 1, he is having Spinraza.


Grandparent Russ

Russ shares his experiences of granddaughter Georgie’s diagnosis of SMA, and the journey the family have been on since.

Kym and Rayne

Kym shares her experiences following receiving her son, Rayne’s, diagnosis of SMA Type 2.

Image shows two young boys smiling and with their arms round each other.

Chris and Alex

David reflects on the close relationship his sons Chris (who has SMA) and Alex (who doesn’t have SMA) had while they were growing up.