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Last updated: March 2024

Powerchairs are complex expensive pieces of machinery that need maintenance and to be insured. What you choose has knock-on effects in terms of what vehicle you may need and potential adaptations to your home.

If Wheelchair Services cannot provide the wheelchair you need you will need to work closely with your OT or physio to trial and select the right chair for you and explore what help if any you can get with funding. The information in this section covers what you might need to think about.

Your OT or physio will have suggestions. Potential chairs can often be demonstrated at home by a rep who works for one (or sometimes a number of) supplier(s).

Naidex is Europe’s biggest and most far-reaching trade and consumer show dedicated to the care, rehabilitation and lifestyle of people with physical disabilities. See: Equipment Exhibitions, Sport and Other Events.

The following ‘checklist’ tabs may be useful for comparing different options:

You will want to know:

  • What seating options and features are possible with this chair (e.g. will it go up and down, ’tilt-in-space’  – the seat-to-back angle remains the same while the whole seating system is tilted backwards), does it have powered leg rests)?
  • Will there be a spare cushion to allow for washing and drying when needed?
  • How comfortable a ride does it give – what are the tyre options?
  • What safety tests have been carried out – on the chair itself and on the chair when travelling in a vehicle? If you are going to sit in your wheelchair while travelling in a vehicle, the chair model will need to meet safety ‘crash tested’ standards.
  • How long a life should it have – what capacity does it have to change with you – for example if your weight or posture needs change? (e.g. some have bases that can take different sized seats)?
  • How fast will it go? In the UK, wheelchairs are put in a class depending on their speed. Check out the current safety rules for using your wheelchair on the pavement and road.

  • Will it be possible to use in your home and outside – what adaptations would you need to make?
  • What about at work?
  • How is it going to be transported? If you are going to sit in your chair while travelling, you will need a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) along with compatible clamping and seatbelt systems.
  • If you already have a WAV, will it fit? Is it compatible with your vehicle’s tracking and clamping system?

For related information see the WAV section in Driving & Car Travel.

  • What is included in the basic price and how much are the ‘extras’ you would want?
  • You should ask for a written quote, detailing every item.
  • How long will it take between order and delivery time?
  • What do you need to pay when? (for example, is there a deposit due when it’s ordered?)
  • Will the chair be delivered, or will you have to collect it?
  • When you get the chair, will it be ready assembled? Will an engineer / physio / OT be there to make sure it is all correctly and safely set up and fitted?

  • Is there a warranty / guarantee? If so, what does it cover and for how long? Wheelchair warranties usually cover manufacturing faults but not general maintenance or ‘wear and tear’, such as with tyres.
  • What happens if something needs fixing under warranty? Will engineers come to your home or will you have to travel to them? Where?
  • If it needs major repairs, would a temporary replacement be provided?
  • Often a warranty is only valid if the chair has been regularly serviced and properly maintained. What is the cost of a maintenance contract? Does it include an annual service?
  • What is included – tyres, battery, electrics, controls etc.? The tyres and motor might need replacing at some point, and the batteries last approximately 3 years. What would these cost to replace?
  • When servicing / maintenance is due, what happens, where?
  • Are there any call-out charges?
  • How long does it take for problems to be assessed, for parts to arrive, and for parts to be fitted?
  • Is insurance included? If so, how much does it cost and what would it cover? Sometimes maintenance and insurance policies are combined. Also see the tab on Insurance below.

If you receive the Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment (ERMC PIP) or another qualifying benefit which you do not use to lease a Motability vehicle, you may want to consider using this to lease a powerchair instead. There are eligibility criteria for the scheme and a limited range of models to choose from. Your OT should be able to advise whether any of the chairs through this scheme are suitable for you.

If you have decided to buy your wheelchair and need to raise money to do this, it is only fair to say at the outset that this can be challenging and is likely to take many months. Most charities will not fund if you have already bought an item. It is important not to place your order or pay any deposit until you have all your funds ready or pledged. Some people also choose to do their own fundraising.

What you need to apply for funding: 

You will need:

  • a letter from your OT / physio confirming what type of chair will safely meet your needs, why this one is a good choice and what difference it will make for you
  • evidence that NHS wheelchair services have carried out an assessment
  • a statement from NHS wheelchair services explaining:
    • if they have refused any funding the reasons why;
    • if they will provide some funding, how much this will be
  • up-to-date quote from the wheelchair provider with details of costs, including any ‘extras’, insurance costs and maintenance contracts. (If you receive the mobility component of DLA or PIP and it is not being used for a Motability vehicle, you could consider putting this towards wheelchair maintenance costs).

Where to apply for funding:

Access to Work 
Depending on your circumstances, it may be possible to apply to Access to Work for funding towards your wheelchair.

There are some charities and organisations which you might be able to apply to for help with funding; most offer a contribution of hundreds rather than thousands of pounds. Application forms are often detailed, some are means tested, and decisions can take a long time. Many charities do not award a grant for the total cost of the chair but will consider funding a smaller amount (part-funding). Often, if they do award a grant, they confirm the amount, but only release the funds when the total has been pledged. Some charities also ask about any contribution a person can make for themselves. If you are able to raise any funds yourself, this can help with applications.

Each charity has its own criteria and time-lines so it can be difficult to know where to start. If you contact us at SMA UK, we can talk through your individual circumstances and support you to narrow down the options for where and how to apply. Once you have your physio / OT letter to support your choice of chair, SMA UK might also be able to provide a supporting letter for your applications.

Your own fundraising 
Some people raise some funds through their efforts and those of extended family, friends and other supporters. This might be via cake sales, sponsored events or online appeals. It is important for anyone fundraising to be very clear what they are fundraising for and their target amount. Also, it is good to let sponsors know what will happen if the money raised exceeds the target – for example, whether it will be put towards insurance and maintenance or kept for replacement tyres and batteries.

Generally speaking, you do not need insurance for a powered wheelchair although it is strongly recommended given the cost of mobility equipment and the possibilities – not just for loss or damage, but also for any damage that could be caused to other people, or other people’s property. When you are setting up your insurance, check what is covered.

If you already have a home contents insurance policy, you may find that you can add on some mobility equipment. However, it is not usually easy to add on a powered wheelchair.
If you plan to travel outside the UK with your mobility equipment, please speak to your insurance company to see if you need additional insurance.

There are many insurers available, but if you would like any support with finding insurance, contact our Support and Outreach Team to help.