Zolgensma: the assessment, treatment process, and after care – FAQs
Zolgensma: the assessment, treatment process, and after care – FAQs
Page last checked: 18th December 2024
Your child must have had the genetic test confirming they have 5q SMA with a bi-allelic mutation in the SMN1 gene. This test can take a few weeks.
You child will need to be weighed at your Specialist Centre which will be referring them for treatment. The Centre will also need to complete a range of blood tests to make sure it is safe for your child to have gene therapy. These tests include:
- AAV9 antibody testing – results are valid for 30 days
- liver function tests
- full blood count
- kidney function
- cardiac enzymes
It should be possible to complete these tests and have the results within a few days.
A small number of children may have developed AAV9 antibodies before they are tested. The presence of these antibodies could mean that it is not possible to administer zolgensma. This depends on what is called the ‘antibody titre level’. If AAV9 antibody titres are reported to be above 1:50, your child may be re-tested. AAV9 antibody results are valid for 30 days."
Recent evidence suggests that only a small number of children may become ineligible for this reason (around 5 in 100 children tested).
If the results of the other tests (liver function, full blood count, kidney function, cardiac enzymes) are not clear, these may indicate it would not be safe to administer Zolgensma. Any such results would be discussed fully with you.
These are at:
- Bristol
- Evelina
- GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital)
- Manchester
- Sheffield
- Glasgow
- Belfast
Children must be referred by their Regional Neuromuscular Centre >
Overall care of a child is always with their Referring Regional Neuromuscular Centre (RNMC) as care needs to be as convenient as possible for the family.
Your child’s team at your regional centre will talk with you about caring for your child. The aim is to keep them as well as possible in preparation for, and after, their infusion.
The infusion centres are always responsible for the infusion and care of the child’s needs during the admission. They are also responsible for any safety monitoring and management of the steroid dosage before and after treatment (see below).
Care arrangements always take account of each individual child and family’s circumstances. These invented examples from the NMDT may give some idea of how this can vary:
Baby 1, parents had their own transport and were happy to come to the Infusion Centre for blood tests. They were seen by their referring RNMC for feeding and swallowing assessments and other care. This was before and after the infusion.
Baby 2 became ill between referral and planned admission. They were admitted to their local hospital. Eventually, when well, they were transferred to the Infusion Centre for their infusion. Their parents didn’t have their own transport. A week after infusion, when their safety blood tests were all OK, they were discharged home. Follow up tests and care was arranged by their RNMC. The results were sent across to the Infusion Centre which advised on the appropriate steroid dose,
Baby 3 had been well but became feverish when admitted for treatment at the Infusion Centre. The infusion was postponed and they were admitted to the Infusion Centre’s Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). All care including blood tests, feeding and swallowing was managed by the Infusion Centre. Once they were well and had been treated, they were discharged home. Follow up blood tests and care were arranged locally with the RNMC. The results were sent to the Infusion Centre.
Zolgensma is administered at the infusion centre. It’s a one-time intravenous (IV) infusion. It takes over 60 minutes to deliver the treatment.
Novartis Gene Therapies told us in April 2021
"A drip (intravenous cannulation) needs to be set up for your child. This usually goes into the arm. It gives the sensation of a sharp scratch. The infusion itself should not cause any pain. "
In December 2021, the NMDT told us that
"Centres have found it has been impossible to access a ‘peripheral’ vein, such as in the hand. This means that for most children the infusion has to be administered via a central bigger vein. In the UK this requires a specialist service from within the hospital and an anaesthetist. This service is not always readily and easily available."
If your child is unwell or there are other issues at the centre it may be necessary to temporarily delay treatment of your child. Your treating clinician will make that decision.
Novartis Gene Therapies and NHS England told us:
"Your child will normally need to be admitted at the infusion centre the day before the infusion. This allows sufficient time for pre-infusion tests and to start a common steroid treatment by mouth (oral prednisolone). This is to reduce liver side effects.
After receiving the infusion, your child will need to stay in hospital for monitoring. Depending on blood test results and as long as there are no complications, children may be able to go home within a few days. There has to be supervision from the infusion centre. In some cases, children and families may need to stay in accommodation close to the infusion centre. The oral steroids will continue for at least two months."
Any drug, including ones that are commonly prescribed or sold over the counter, may cause possible side effects. Side effects of medications are reported and recorded during their clinical trials. They are also picked up through the ongoing systems that are in place to monitor medications and their use in the ‘real world’.
All possible side effects are listed in the Patient Information Leaflet that is given with any medication. They are grouped as:
- very common
- common
- uncommon
- rare.
For Zolgensma, possible side effects listed are:
Very common: may affect more than 1 in 10 people
- increases in liver enzymes seen in blood tests.
Common: may affect up to 1 in 10 people
- vomiting
- fever.
An infection (e.g., cold, flu or bronchiolitis) before or after Zolgensma treatment may lead to more serious complications.
These and any rare or very rare side effects are listed in the Zolgensma Patient Information Leaflet.
Your child’s team will talk with you about possible side effects. They will tell you what to look out for and what to do if these occur.
Zolgensma can:
- lead to an increase in enzymes (proteins found within the body) produced by the liver or injury to the liver – though actual liver failure is very rare.
- lower blood-platelet counts (thrombocytopenia).
- raise levels of a heart protein called troponin-I that may indicate injury to the heart.
A child treated with Zolgensma could develop an increase in liver enzymes. To help manage this they will be given a corticosteroid medicine such as prednisolone. This is given 24-hours before and for about 2 months or longer after treatment.
For more information, please see the Zolgensma Patient Information Leaflet.
Your child’s team will talk with you about how these possibilities are managed. They will tell you what to look out for and what to do if these occur.
Novartis Gene Therapies have told us:
"The active substance in Zolgensma may temporarily be excreted through your child’s bodily waste. Careful hand hygiene and care with the disposal of any nappies is recommended for at least one month after infusion. See the Patient Information Leaflet.
Your child will also need to attend for regular periodic blood test results and follow up clinic appointments. These may be able to be carried out locally to your home. Your clinical team will advise you on this. How long this will need to carry on for will depend on your individual child’s needs and should be discussed with your treating clinician."
The Family Guide to the Standards of Care describe which assessments and interventions children and adults should expect to have from any neuromuscular centre anywhere. They were agreed in November 2017. A 3 – year project SMA Care UK is now underway to update these standards. Your clinical team will be up to date with any changes to recommendations.
The clinicians at the Infusion Centre will go through all this information with you.
In England, the Infusion Centres have arrangements they will put in place for parents or carers to stay close to their child. Centres in the devolved countries will be able to advise what help they can provide.
If you are in receipt of benefits and/or on a low income, you can get help with travel costs through the Healthcare Costs Travel Scheme.
You can ask your referring or infusion centre about any other sources of financial help. Talk to the Neuromuscular Care Advisor or Nurse Liaison. If a ‘One Gene Therapy Family Liaison Nurse’ is involved, they can advise.
All the gene therapy centres give full support throughout the treatment period.
This is only possible if Zolgensma treatment is not successful.
Data is collected about:
- your child’s developmental milestones
- any need for support with feeding and breathing
- quality of life measures
- any need for additional treatments.
This is collected as part of the routine follow up of your child.
It is linked into existing data collection processes with SMA REACH, the national SMA registry. This is so that doctors can gain the best understanding of how the treatment is being used and how children are benefiting.
Information on behalf of all the infusion centres is also being collected by Evelina Hospital for audit and monitoring purposes.