Resource Hub

Resource Hub
We are accredited to the Patient Information Forum (PIF) TICK Quality Mark. This confirms that our SMA-related information has been through a professional and thorough production process and is based on reliable, up-to-date evidence which is communicated clearly.
Here are some useful resources about SMA for you to read or download, or, If you would like to receive a printed copy of any of our information please email
Here’s our About SMA tri-fold leaflet
Any child with SMA should have an individual Emergency Healthcare Plan (EHP). This is a written plan of action that any medical team can follow should a child become unwell.
Sometimes families need to take their child to Accident and Emergency (A&E) Services at a local hospital. Frequently, clinical staff there will not have come across SMA. We have worked with clinical experts to produce an information sheet for families to give to the A&E team, along with any individual EHP they may have. It provides information that will assist them with their assessment of the needs of a child with SMA.
We have an information pack – "Getting Ready for School" – that we hope will help families as they start to think about primary education options. There are two versions:
The other pages in Living With SMA around this may also be helpful.
Please also see our Smasheroo book below, and Talking to Children about SMA. You can also contact our Support Team if you have any questions.
We are currently looking to expand and adapt these resources and will update this page when we have more information.
Smasheroo: ‘A person or thing of superlative quality or importance etc. a ‘smash-hit’.
Written by Hania Myers, mother of a child who has SMA Type 3 with illustrations by Mary Hall, this uplifting story highlights that everyone is different and everyone is special in their own way.
Any family affected by SMA, living in the UK, can request a free copy of the book by phoning 01789 267 520 or emailing us on: